Waikato Sketchbook


26.02.2021 Orakau pā 360

17.02.2021 Orakau pā detail progress


15.02.2021 character progress

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Frame 1000 of Shot 3, almost the full compliment of people in the Pā, aprroximately 20% of whom are animated - aiming, marching, running, etc. Musket shots to be added. (flax padding, ground texture and foliage to do)

Ranger characters - armed with carbines, not animated, and will be in view momentarily around Blewitt's position as the camera leaves the Pa to go towards the swamp. (need to add to main scene)

Frame 256 of Shot 2, showing the armstrongs firing - dust explosions on the Pā will also be visible as the camera moves up the rise towards the SAP. (ground texture and foliage to do)

Frame 560 of Shot 2, having travelled along the SAP towards the Pā - Musket shots to be added. (ground texture and foliage to do)

01.02.2021 - Characters and Assets

British characters/assets test
An 'in-progress' animatic showing British forces along the camera path. The next body of characters/assets to be done after that is the people in the Pa, then the background British positions (which will be largely static).

25.01.2021 - Durations...

Orakau 01 Duration test
28 secs plus handles (up from 17 secs)
Orakau 02 Duration test
36 secs plus handles (up from 24 secs)
Orakau 03 Duration test
44 secs plus handles (up from 32 secs)


... over the summer break, 6 square Km of new terrain was sourced at high resolution, and the SAP and Pa were built upon it. Animatics were set up and rendered, following MyKaitiaki animation notes from December 2020. Not immediately evident in the animatics below, new foliage assets include the peach tree grove and swamp plants, in addition to native bush.

Animatics 2021

Orakau 01 animatic (17 seconds) Towards Orakau Pa
From their base at KihiKihi, the British advanced Southwest to the Village of Orakau, then on to the Pa. Colonel Haultain's forces took position north of the Pa, while Colonel Leslie advanced along the ridge to the east. From the West and SouthWest, Captain Blewitt and Major Blyth's forces completed the encirclement.

To Do: 19th century groundcover, foliage (bush), simple Kihikihi and Orakau village

Orakau 02 animatic (24 seconds) The Orakau Pa battlefield
After 3 frontal assaults had failed, and with cannonfire doing little damage to the Pa's earthworks, a SAP was dug out along the hillside towards the pa. An extension of the main pa was hastily constructed to meet the advancing SAP, but it was eventually breached.

To Do: 19th century groundcover, foliage (bush), British and Māori combatants, SAP and Pa details

Orakau 03 animatic (32 seconds) Orakau Pa and the path of retreat
Orakau Pa occupied the high ground, was multilevel, and it's earthworks were strengthened with flax. The Pa was able to withstand bombardment and also offer rudimentary cover for the gathered people. With the SAP about to breach the Pa, all the people came out suddenly - and then ran to the South, in plain view of the shocked British. Many were consequently cut down by Von Tempsky's Rangers as they fled towards the refuge of the King Country.

To Do: 19th century groundcover, foliage (bush), British and Māori combatants, Pa details

Research 2020

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Research (2020) - (larger image will open in a new window) We need to know the location, size and attitude of an historical site on the modern landscape to be able to start building. In this instance we have done some research to discover the approximate site of Orakau pa, based on exploratory work done in 2013.


Sketch (2020) - A 3D mock-up of the Orakau Pa area (based on the prior research) with terrain exaggerated to an approximation of pre-european heights. This image has been sketched upon to show where the Cannon, British HQ and retreat path are on the landscape.

orakau map

Map Shot (2020) - A map of the Waikato centered on Orakau, showing the battles prior to it. ARL can create an old-style map animation zooming in to the center, should the script have a voiceover that describes the history leading up to the battle for Orakau.

Pukerangiora Map

Pukerangiora Map (2019) - An animation from the Pukerangiora project using an old-style map to zoom in to Pukerangiora in 1861, showing the battles before it.

orakau battleground

Orakau Battleground animatic (2020) - An example of using the 3D mock-up to make an animatic. Here is a proposed establishing shot of the battleground, where we fly over the artillery firing upon Orakau, before moving up the hill to see the SAP (full of infantry) and ending at the Pa (at which point we could see warriors emerge post-bombardment to resume fighting).


Orakau People (2020) - Character assets prepared for Orakau include a selection of male and female Māori combatants in the Pa (which determined how deep to make the trench), some bush foliage (in the background of the Māori combatants), artillerymen and Armstrong 12 pounder and a Māori child character (still under construction). Note that these can be easily instanced across the scene to make up numbers (and this doesn't include infantry, who will fill the SAP).

review our ARL NZ Wars Assets from earlier projects

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