ARL News

Innovation Journey

21 Apr 2017

Animation Research Ltd CEO Ian Taylor is being celebrated as one of New Zealand's most prominent innovators at The Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT). The new exhibition, 'The Innovators', showcases Taylor's journey, success and inspiration.

"This isn’t about me, this is about a Maori perspective on innovation and we took the opportunity to remind all New Zealanders but, especially our kids Maori and Pasifika, that you come in here and look at this and realise all of this is in your DNA. We are using new technology, the 360 VR, to take people out into space and look down into the universe that our ancestors studied and learnt about and read. They read the stars, they read the ocean and that is how they travelled here. We are talking about innovation."

Above: Ian Taylor interviewed on Maori Television's Native Affairs.